Getting your pets ready for when the clocks go back
22nd October 2020
We know how difficult it can sometimes be for us humans to adjust to the changing of the clocks and darker nights, so let’s help our pets adapt with a few simple actions.
Adjusting your pets routine
By adjusting your pets routine gradually over a period of days, you could even start a week before the clocks change, should help reduce any anxiety and confusion with as little disruption to their routine as possible.
Dogs and Cats
If your pet is used to a set time of being feed and let out in the mornings, an extra hour is a long time to wait for a wee break! Start by adjusting wake, toilet and feed times by a few minutes each day and by the time the clocks change your pet will have already gotten used to their new routine, thereby avoiding any unnecessary stress (or accidents!).
Elderly pets may struggle and take a little longer to adjust, so it might be worth taking things slower and giving them a bit longer to adapt to the routine change.
Rabbits and Small Pets
Small pets that are kept outside will naturally adjust to the changes in daylight, however, variation in meal times could cause anxiety. The same goes with caged animals indoors, so again, start adjusting the feeding times by a few minutes each day to get them used to the new routine with minimum disruption.
For further information and advice on this subject, please click on the links below.